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From author.

     I don't  know, will you like this idea or not - to comment some games from Brazil's draughts tournament. I have asked a few times to send me the last year games of Brazil's players, but nobody sent them to me. So, I will comment what I have. 
 Of course, you will find some mistakes, so please send your replies to address:  brazil@draughts.ru

With best regards,  Alexander Kandaurov



Players - Oziel, Augusto, Françualdo, Moretti, Jose Carlos, Eustaquio, Wellington, Joao de Deus, Luziano, Lauriano

 1 lap

1 round. Without any fighting. All players very fast played draw. Nobody wanted to risk.

2 round. Augusto has wanted win against Luziano, and what's result: 

Augusto - Luziano

1.  a3-b4 f6-e5  2. b4-c5 b6xd4 3. e3xc5 d6xb4 4. c3xa5 e7-d6 5. b2-c3 f8-e7  6. a1-b2 h6-g5  7. g3-h4 g5-f4  8.  b2-a3 a7-b6 9. f2-g3 b6-c5 10. c3-b4 e7-f6  11. g1-f2 d8-e7 12. f2-e3 g7-h6 13. e3xg5 h6xf4 14. d2-e3 !

 Nice move!  But why not 14. e1-f2 h8-g7 15 f2-e3 g7-h6 16 e3xg5 h6xf4 17 d2-e3 f4xd2 18 c1xe3 ? This variant won in Russian draughts. But in brazil's rules black has reply  18... e5-f4  with draw.

 14... f4xd2 15. c1xe3 b8-a7  Black stay very bad. Not better and  15... h8-g7 16 g3-f4 e5xg3 17 h2xf4! g7-h6 18 e1-d2 b8-a7 19 h4-g5 f6xh4 20 f4-g5 d6-f4 21 e3xg5 with chances to win . So, black couldn't play  21... h6xf4 22 b4xf8 h4-g3 23 f8-c5 c7-d6 24 c5xf8 g3-f2 because of  25 d2-e3 ! X 

      Position after 15 white's move 

16. g3-f4 e5xg3 17. h4xf2 ? Mistake ! After this white couldn't play for winning. But why not  17 h2xf4 ! f6-e5 18 e1-d2 (after 18 e3-d4 white need take three pieces. And after 18 f4-g5... black has fantastic draw !!! -  18 ...e5-f4! 19 g5-h6 f4xd2  20 e1xc3 c5-d4 21 c3xe5 d6xf4 22. h4-g5 f4-g3 23 g5-f6 e7xg5 24 h6xh2 a7-b6 draw )   18... e5xg3 19 h4xf2 e7-f6 20 d2-c3 and white must to win.
17...  h8-g7 18. f2-g3 f6-e5 19. g3-h4 g7-h6 20. e3-f4 e5xg3 21. h4xf2 e7-f6 22. f2-e3 h6-g5 23. h2-g3 g5-h4 24. e1-f2 ??... Lost. Need to play 24 e3-f4 with draw. The contnue isn't interesting.... 24... f6-e5 25. e3-f4 c5-d4 26. f2-e3 d4xf2 27. g3xe1 e5xg3 28. b4-c5 d6xb4 29. a3xc5 g3-f2 30. e1xg3  h4xf2 31. a5-b6 c7xa5 32. c5-d6 a5-b4 х

3 round. Again all players taken "holidays". Every game is repeating of printed famous draw games. 

4 round. Interesting  fighting we can see in this round. Let's to see pair games. 

Oziel - Luziano

1. c3-b4 f6-e5 2. g3-h4 b6-a5 3. h2-g3 a5xc3 4. b2xf6 g7xe5 5. a3-b4 a7-b6 6. b4-a5 h8-g7 7. e3-f4 g7-f6 8. f2-e3 b6-c5
 9. a1-b2 b8-a7 10. e1-f2 c7-b6 11. a5xc7 d8xb6 12. b2-c3 ... More stronger was 11.g1-h2 c5-d4 12.e3xc5 b6xd4 13.b2-c3 d4xc3  14.c1xa3 a7-b6 15.d2-c3 b6-c5 16.c3-b4 c5-d4 17.b4-a5 d4-c3 18. f2-e3! e5-d4 19.e3xc5 d6xb4 20.a3xc5 e7-d6! 21.c5xg5 f8-e7 =   

12... c5-d4 13. e3xc5 b6xb2 14. c1xa3 e5-d4 15. f2-e3 d4xf2 16. g3xe1 a7-b6 17. d2-c3 b6-a5 18. g1-f2 d6-e5 19. f4xd6 e7xc5 20. f2-e3 f8-e7 21. e3-f4 e7-d6 22. h4-g5 f6xh4 23. e1-f2 h6-g5 24. f4xh6 d6-e5 25. h6-g7 e5-f4 26. g7-h8 f4-g3 27. f2-e3 g3-h2 28. e3-f4 h2-g1 29. f4-g5 h4xf6 30. h8xa7 g1-h2 31. a7-g1 h2-e5  Draw

Augusto - Françualdo

1. c3-b4 f6-e5 2. b2-c3 e5-f4 3. g3xe5 d6xf4 4. e3xg5 h6xf4 5. b4-a5 e7-d6 6. c3-b4 g7-h6 7. d2-c3 h8-g7 8. e1-d2 d6-c5 9. b4xd6 c7xe5 10. a5xc7 d8xb6 11. a3-b4 b6-a5 12. f2-g3 a7-b6 13. d2-e3 f4xd2 14. c1xe3 f8-e7 15. a1-b2 g7-f6 16. b2-a3 b8-a7 17. g1-f2 e7-d6     After 18.... e5-d4 19.c3xg7 h6xf8 20.b4-c5 b6xd4 21.e3xc5 a5-b4 black stay better.      18. g3-h4 b6-c5 19. f2-g3 a7-b6 20. g3-f4 e5xg3 21. h4xf2 h6-g5      Better play 21... f6g5        22. h2-g3 g5-h4 23. e3-f4 f6-e5 24. f4-g5 h4xf6 25. f2-e3 f6-g5 26. g3-h4 e5-f4 27. h4xf6 f4xd2 28. c3xe1 a5xc3 29. f6-g7 d6-e5 30. g7-h8 e5-f4? Lost. Need to play c5-d4 =  31. h8xa1 f4-g3 32. e1-d2 g3-h2 33. d2-e3 b6-a5 34. e3-d4 c5xe3 35. a3-b4  Good game!

    5 round. Jose Carlos tryed to win and played with risk, but his opponent, Françualdo, found draw -  

Françualdo – Jose Carlos

1. c3-b4 f6-g5 2. g3-f4 g7-f6 3. b4-c5 b6xd4 4. e3xc5 d6xb4 5. a3xc5 g5xe3 6. f2xd4 c7-b6 7. e1-f2 h8-g7 8. d2-e3 f6-g5         9. h2-g3 e7-d6 10. c5xe7 f8xd6 11. b2-a3 d6-c5 12. a1-b2 g5-h4 13. b2-c3 g7-f6 14. g3-f4 f6-g5 15. c1-b2 d8-e7 16. c3-b4 e7-f6 17. b4xd6 f6-e5 18. d4xf6 g5xc5 19. b2-c3 b8-c7 20. c3-b4 c7-d6 21. e3-d4 c5xg5 22. b4-c5 !! d6xb4 23. a3xc5 b6xd4         24. f2-g3 h4xf2 25. g1xc5    Draw


To be continue.



Editor of Brazilian chapter Alexander Kandaurov





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