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"SPIRT" news

Let's analyze together with SPIRT

SPIRT demo

O.Dashkov's games database

A.Savenok - Magistr games database

Chizhoff's tactics

V. Vigman's page

World Championship 2001 (womans) 

Brunssum 2001

Internet simultaneous match of Schwartsman

Letter of president Russian Draughts Federation of Mr.R.Klimashev

Visit to page with article about Russian GMI A. Georgiev

Match Samb - Buggy

3-rd European Youth Championship

Nijmegen Open 2001

Open Netherland's championship

Last results from "Golden Praque"

Holland's draughts competition of the best sportswomens

A.Schwartzman comments his game's from Russia Cup

Visit to chapter Russians draughts players

See best games of A.Tsjizjov in Delft!




Rambler's Top100





The manual for a information-retrieval system
of Russian checkers

As far as I know, the given program - first attempt to create the database for Russian checkers. Partially functions of the information base are inherent in the program the Navigator, but this version isn't ready yet. As well as in all new products, in SPIRIT for certain there will be any weak places, and even the mistakes. We ask you with understanding to refer to such facts and to help to the author of the program in its perfecting, stating the opinion on convenience of its interface, functions of input, storage and editing of consignments, to possibilities of search etc. your recalls for certain will help to make this program by more convenient for us with you.

I shall try, as far as it in my forces to illustrate work of SPIRIT to help to the beginning user more fast to take possession of skills of work with this program. To tell to you about functions, which it can execute, as the possibilities of this program could be used during training, at a spelling of the article or book, preparation for competitions and т.д.. It is quite possible, that you and can in what that add mine of a note or correct them. As a matter of fact businesses I simply attempted evidently to interpret the instruction to this program, and no more that.

Let's in common study work of this program for Russian checkers. So, in a way!

  - creation of new base   - classifiers making
  - new base with "old" headers   - headers entering
  - open base   - games text entering
  - merge bases   - games list
  - search by headers   - game review
  - search by position   - print game
  - search by all criterions   - game sexport to file


Requests to the equipment

The program works under management Windows 95/98. Bases with significant number of consignments (thousand) need the computer with large In volume of operative memory (the RAM of 32 Mb and is higher). Exemplary volume of required memory - 1,5 Кб on one consignment (without the commentaries).

The recommendations for an effective work with the program

Do not enter many commentaries. Try to add the commentaries only there, where it is valid
It is necessary. For each commentary the program reserves 1000 symbols - even if you will enter one mark ( For example, "?"), the program will allocate for it 1000 marks. Therefore large number in detail commented consignments can essentially lower speed of work of the program and will require an additional place.
After closing - up with the program try accurately to close base of consignments.
Necessarily save copies of draughts base. If you have added fresh consignments, have updated qualifiers, on closing - up with the program make an archival copy of base. It will help in case of failure of the computer, when base can deteriorate, or if you casually expel the necessary information. The base consists of 8 files (see section " Creation of new base "). In archive it is necessary to save all these files.

Purchase of the program

Now SPIRT base has about 5,000 entered and checked games. Concerning purchase of this program you can contact with author, Sergey Bobrovsky by e-mail: sbo@chat.ru or to our site by e-mail: spirt@draughts.ru Total price is USD 100 plus shipping price.